3D visualization is worth a thousand words
Learn how Fomaco improved their corporate visual identity with 3D images, process videos, and a website update.
Showcase their complex products in a simple way and explain the capability of their products to clients
• 3D images
• 3D videos
• A corporate visual update of their website
• Fomaco
• Industrial & Manufacturing
• Denmark, Scandinavia
The process film and 3D images have helped potential clients to remember the products and increased their sales.
Complex products need simple 3D visualizations
"We have some very complex machines." This is how Fomaco's marketing manager Sebastian Müller begins when asked to describe the company's machines, which salt and marinate meat, poultry, and fish. "It's hard for ordinary people to understand the process that meat goes through in these machines," he says.
Fomaco found it particularly difficult to explain to clients at trade shows and sales meetings what their machines were capable of. The company quickly learned that in order to understand the process in the machines, clients would have to see them from the inside.

3D images say more than a 1000 words
Over 10 years ago, we started making product films for Fomaco.
With CGI (computer-generated imagery), we can bring out the hidden functions and show the processing operation in action in all of Fomaco’s highly complex food processing machinery.
"We needed to make it easier for our dealers to explain how our products work. We needed a solution that could illustrate things that normally can't be shown with video. And, as an added bonus, it's also easier for our clients to remember our products. 3D process videos say more than a thousand words."
Corporate visual identity and a process film
In 2014, it was time for a visual lift. Fomaco needed to look as excellent as they perform, so together with their management, we created a brand new Corporate Visual Identity. From brochures to work clothes, interior branding, business cards, and an all-encompassing corporate website. Not only do they now have a brand to match their global reach, but they also have a streamlined marketing setup that is ready for the innovative ideas of the future.
With a 3D process video, Cadesign form enabled Fomaco to guide their clients all the way through the machines and show all of the processes. Because the film is based on 3D technology, Fomaco can now show everything that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but which is essential for understanding the machines and, of course, selling them.
Strong corporate communication
Cadesign form developed and refined the entire identity of Fomaco. We have been responsible for everything from the choice of corporate colors, logo design, corporate website, 3D images, 3D videos to the authoring, and visual update of all brochures. This creates a common thread and therefore a strong corporate communication for Fomaco.
We have developed a sharp visual website that ensures a user-friendly experience, focused on creating a strong visual communication about Fomaco’s complex products in the videos, and ensured that the customer both understands and remembers the products.
"As an added bonus, it's also easier for our clients to remember our products," says a satisfied Müller, who concludes: "3D process videos say more than a thousand words."