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Dyk ned i vores samling af billeder, film, animationer og værktøjer til at hjælpe dig med at få succes med CGI i din møbelforretning.


Køkken & bad
Lær, hvordan industriledere i køkken- og badbranchen bruger CGI til at styrke deres brand og øge deres omsætning.
Kæmper du med at vise komplekse eller skjulte dele af dit produkt? Med CGI kan vi visualisere dit produkt del for del og fra alle vinkler. 
En billig, hurtig og nem måde at opbygge dit brand med smukke billeder i høj kvalitet, film og konfiguratorer.
Få hjælp fra en af vores specialister allerede i dag - Aftal et møde med salg
Ved at gå fra traditionelle fotoshoots til CGI har WOUD ikke kun reduceret produktionstiden, men også fået større kontrol over sin visuelle historiefortælling, der forbedrer den samlede brandoplevelse.
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Køkken & bad-case
Som køkken-, bad- og garderobeproducent sælger AUBO ikke kun produkter - de sælger en bestemt livsstil, som skal være til stede i alt deres markedsføringsmateriale.
GEA case story Cadesign form
Oplev, hvordan en innovativ idé antændte den gode fortælling året rundt for GEA, en revolutionerende leder inden for bæredygtige varme- og køleløsninger.


Ved at give kunderne en produktkonfigurator skabte Keflico en problemfri brugeroplevelse, som resulterede i den højeste engagementsrate nogensinde på deres hjemmeside en uge efter lanceringen.
Få hjælp fra en af vores specialister allerede i dag - Aftal et møde med salg

Eksempler på 3D-visualiseringer fra netop din branche

Vi har samlet de bedste eksempler på brugen af 3D billeder, film og interaktive løsninger indenfor de forskellige brancher, vi arbejder mest med, så du kan finde inspiration, der passer til netop din forretning.

Se vores kreative portfolio

Dyk ned i eksempler fra din branche

Gå til vores branchespecifikke sider, hvor vi har samlet alle de bedste billeder, film og produktkonfigurationseksempler fra forskellige brancher: Møbler, køkken og bad, boligforbedring, industri og produktion.

Portfolio Køkken & bad
PortfolioKøkken & bad
Portfolio Møbler
Portfolio Industri og produktion
PortfolioIndustri og produktion
Home improvement
Portfolio Boligforbedringer
Brown background image
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Kan du ikke finde din branche?

Ræk ud og vi finder helt sikkert eksempler fra lige netop din branche.

Det siger vores kunder

Danfoss Drives
Mia ThøisenMarketing Manager, Egernsund Wienerberger

One of the cool things about Cadesign form is that they have a variety of experts in-house. Our new 3D images in our architect catalog have received much praise.
Visualizations and “3D language” are increasingly becoming a part of the natural world because it looks real and is made of such high quality. You are in good hands with Cadesign form – they are innovative, visionary, friendly, and solution-oriented.

Danny WisborgCFO, VIPP

Our ambitions are high and it is important for us to work with partners who can match this. 

In Vipp, we have a passion for functional and long-lasting products with timeless aesthetics. Our ambitions are high and it is important for us to work with partners who can match this. Our new product configurator contributes to us delivering a unique customer experience, no matter whether our customers visit us offline or online.

Louise SvendsenHead of Space Design

Cadesign understood where we wanted to go instantly.

Project managers were super professional, and respectful, and showed us respect for being a high-end brand and what it requires. With other suppliers, it takes longer to understand who we are, and how detailed and cautious we are about our look, the material, and the feel. Cadesign understood where we wanted to go instantly. That was very comforting to me and made it easy to start out quickly.

Helle PaghChief Marketing Officer

Choosing a location from Location Library is a shortcut to make a lot of pictures in a short time but show off many different products with many stylings in great quality. We got so much positive feedback on the pictures - the surfaces look very real and it lives up to the quality and perception of our products.

It's also a source of inspiration, it shows the creative thoughts and details that you ordinarily would not get. The location we chose has wooden beams and it gives you that extra layer of something that looks nice and very personalized.

Robert BanManaging Director, Vauni

We found out about Cadesign and their new Location Library service which fits us like a glove. Now, we have access to a variety of environments, each one flexible and enabling us to show our fireplaces in a multitude of settings at a reasonable cost.

On top of that, each project runs smoothly and quickly which gives us the opportunity to plan the production satisfactorily.