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Furniture portfolio

A collection of images, film, animation, and tools to help you succeed with CGI in your furniture business.

Kitchen and bath portfolio

Kitchen & bath
Learn how industry leaders in the kitchen, bath, and bedroom industry use CGI to grow their business and brand recognition.
Industrial portfolio
Are you struggling to show complex or hidden parts of your product? With CGI we can visualize your product part by part and from all angles.

Home improvement portfolio

Home improvement
An inexpensive, quick and easy way to build your brand with beautiful high-quality images, film and configurators.
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Featured furniture case story
By moving from traditional photoshoots to CGI, WOUD has not only reduced production time but also gained greater control over its visual storytelling, enhancing the overall brand experience.

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Kitchen & bath case story
As a kitchen, bath, and wardrobe manufacturer, AUBO doesn't just sell products - they sell a certain lifestyle, which must be present in all their marketing material.

GEA case story Cadesign form

Featured industry case story
Discover how one innovative idea ignited a year-round tale of triumph for GEA, a revolutionary leader in sustainable heating and cooling solutions.


Home improvement case story
Providing customers with a product configurator, Keflico created a smooth user experience which resulted in the highest ever engagement rate on their website one week after the launch.
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On-demand webinars

The top interior design trends and digital experiences of 2025

Discover how you can strengthen your business and product campaigns in 2025 by harnessing the future trends within interior design and customer experience in these on-demand presentations.

Go to the webinars

Competition is tougher than ever, and your customers are targeted with nonstop marketing efforts. So, how can you manage to catch and keep their attention and loyalty?

One way is to understand how implementing interior design trends in your marketing visuals will make them eye-catching and relevant.

Another way is to focus on enhancing customer experience and consistently consider your customers as you develop every aspect of your business!

Now, you have the opportunity to dive into three interesting presentations that touch upon exactly these subjects:

We'll show you:

  • The interior design trends that will shape 2025
  • The power of styling with CGI
  • 3 trends within customer experience in the design and lifestyle industry.
Watch the presentations

Get insights that help you strengthen your brand


Interior Design Trends 2025

Julie Begtrup, Head of Creative, Cadesign form 

Julie will give you an inspiring introduction to the 5 trends in interior design and styling that will shape 2025. She will touch upon colors, materials, keywords, and how you can implement the trends in your own marketing materials.

Julie has a degree in Product and Interior Design and over a decade of experience, including work as an interior designer at a high-end New York studio.

Download e-book Discover 2025's leading interior design trends


The power of styling

Julie Begtrup, Head of Creative, Cadesign form
Hannah Haglund, Head of Business Development, Cadesign form

Julie and Hannah will explain the advantages of implementing styling and current interior design trends in your marketing materials and how you can do it successfully.

They will introduce some of the creative tools we use at Cadesign to make our clients shine with CGI visuals and animations.

Hannah is our Head of Business Development and works closely with many of our clients in the furniture, kitchen, bath, and bedroom segments to ensure their product visuals come to life.


Customer experience in the design and lifestyle industry

Kristoffer Okkels, Trend & Innovation Consultant

Kristoffer will present you with three customer experience trends that will give you a chance to win the hearts and loyalty of your customers in a market saturated with products and competitors.

Kristoffer has over 15 years of experience working with trends, innovation, and commercial frameworks at some of the largest agencies in Northern Europe.

Are you looking for more inspiration?

Get the e-book Interior Design Trends 2025

One of the main themes is, of course, the interior design trends that will shape 2025. Trends, you should work seamlessly into your own marketing materials. 

In the newest version of our popular e-book, you can explore the trends in depth that Julie showcases. Get ready for a world of colors, materials, and practical advice on styling lifestyle images.

Download e-book Discover 2025's leading interior design trends
